GCC Student Ministry Parents and Families,
I hope this finds you well, and in a healthy rhythm into this semester. Normally we would wait until June to announce anything related to Student Camp, but there are some details around schedule and cost we wanted you to be aware of going into March.
Instead of 3 days, Annual Student Camp is set to be a full week at Fort Bluff this year (Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 11). We anticipate departing GCC Monday morning and returning around noon Friday.
For the past few years, we’ve been able to charge $250 per student for camp. Compared to other camps in the area, this is very reasonable for 3 days at camp. With a full week of camp, the cost per student will be $385 this year. This includes 11 meals, transportation, lodging, and all activities at camp. We want to give families plenty of time to plan for that, since payment is due early July.
There is also an option to make partial payments leading up to camp, via GCC app or website. Payments as low as $25 can be made at a time, instead of waiting to pay one lump sum later. Payments are automatically tracked online for each student.
The past few years, we have been blessed by generous giving of some scholarships (for students in financial need) to attend camp. Should you feel led to financially help a student attend this year, you can designate Student Camp Scholarship 2025 when you give online or in person. The application for scholarships is below.
Please be praying for each of the students at GCC to know The Lord and be mature, life-long followers of Jesus. Looking forward to camp this year!
Matt Forbes
I hope this finds you well, and in a healthy rhythm into this semester. Normally we would wait until June to announce anything related to Student Camp, but there are some details around schedule and cost we wanted you to be aware of going into March.
Instead of 3 days, Annual Student Camp is set to be a full week at Fort Bluff this year (Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 11). We anticipate departing GCC Monday morning and returning around noon Friday.
For the past few years, we’ve been able to charge $250 per student for camp. Compared to other camps in the area, this is very reasonable for 3 days at camp. With a full week of camp, the cost per student will be $385 this year. This includes 11 meals, transportation, lodging, and all activities at camp. We want to give families plenty of time to plan for that, since payment is due early July.
There is also an option to make partial payments leading up to camp, via GCC app or website. Payments as low as $25 can be made at a time, instead of waiting to pay one lump sum later. Payments are automatically tracked online for each student.
The past few years, we have been blessed by generous giving of some scholarships (for students in financial need) to attend camp. Should you feel led to financially help a student attend this year, you can designate Student Camp Scholarship 2025 when you give online or in person. The application for scholarships is below.
Please be praying for each of the students at GCC to know The Lord and be mature, life-long followers of Jesus. Looking forward to camp this year!
Matt Forbes