Parent & Child Dedication

Common Questions about Dedication

Why Dedication?
Psalm 127:1 – We believe God must be a part of our family for it to be healthy and strong.
 Deuteronomy 6:5-7 – God instructs us as parents to teach our children to see God in all things.
 Psalm 127:3 – We believe that children are a gif from God and we need to be good stewards.

What Parent / Child Dedication Is Not.
1. It is not salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gif of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
2. Dedicating your children does not save them. Salvation comes only by their individual profession of faith in Jesus Christ. However, by fulfilling this commitment you will go a long way towards influencing their acceptance of, and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. It is not baptism. Acts 2:38-41 teaches us that baptism is what we do as believers once we have turned from sinful ways and turned to God. Once a child has entered into a saving belief in Jesus Christ, we would hope that he or she would take this step of obedience.

What Is Parent / Child Dedication?
1. Your commitment to God and His people to raise your child according to the principles of God’s Word.
2. The expression of your desire for God’s help in the parenting process.
3. Your commitment to submit your desires for your child to God’s desires for them.
4. Our commitment as a church to equip you, encourage you, and partner with you in fulfilling your parenting responsibilities.